Mitchell Rose

Called to the bar: 1995 (ON)
5000 Yonge St., Suite 1901
Toronto, Ontario M2N 7E9
Phone: 416-227-3406
Fax: 416-628-3801
Website Link: www.mitchellrose.ca
ProfileMitchell Rose is a mediator, arbitrator, and senior lawyer with more than 25 years at the Ontario Bar. As the principal of Rose Dispute Resolution* and Mitchell Rose Law*, he advises employers and employees on contractual and severance issues, and other clients on property and business matters. He is also a former general civil litigator who regularly participated in mediations as counsel. In his ADR practice, Mitch regularly mediates employment and other civil disputes. Mitch is a frequent speaker for various professional organizations on employment law and alternative dispute resolution topics. Mitch holds Chartered Mediator (C. Med) and Qualified Arbitrator (Q. Arb) designations from the ADR Institute of Canada, and he is a Distinguished Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators, a charter member of the Canadian Academy of Distinguished Neutrals, and the immediate past chair of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of the Ontario Bar Association. He received his mediation training from Harvard Law School (2012) and Stitt Feld Handy-University of Windsor (2004 and 2005). Mitchell graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School in 1993 and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1995. *Services provided through Mitchell Rose Professional Corporation
Published WorksHe is an e-book author of 40 Mediation Advocacy Tips for Ontario Lawyers and has published articles in various law journals and business publications, including a Lexis Nexis® Advance® Quicklaw® practice note on the topic of virtual mediation.
Web Sitewww.mitchellrose.ca
Areas of PracticeEmployment Law; Alternative Dispute Resolution